Journalists covering laparoscopic sterilization

MedPage Today, Next Web, Pharmacy Times, PharmaTimes and others - 53 journalists.

Tags: Medicaid | sexual healthbiocidesiarc group 1 carcinogenscommodity chemicalsgrist
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Mike Bassett
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

2Nicole Lou
MedPage Today
Medical reporter @medpagetoday. Bird advocate.
undisclosed remote location

3Rachael Robertson
MedPage Today
Investigations & enterprise writer. Covers ob/gyn. @medpagetoday.

4Ioanna Lykiardopoulou
Next Web
Prof of Statistical Science. Works at UCL.
London, UK

5Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

6Jennifer Henderson
MedPage Today
Enterprise & Investigative Writer. Works with MedPage Today.

7John Pinching
Next-gen biopharma company.
La Jolla, California

8Teodosia Dobriyanova
Docu-maker, film programmer. Curates @New_East_Cinema.
London, Sofia

9Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.

10Elizabeth Short
MedPage Today
Editorial intern @medpagetoday.
New York, New York