Journalists covering legislative reforms

Business Insider, HousingWire, Eco-Business, RISMedia and others - 64 journalists.

Tags: biotechnology, careers, community , science policy, synthetic biologyHigherEducationNewsJobs
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1John L. Dorman
Business Insider
Senior Politics Reporter.
Brooklyn, New York

2Chris Clow
Editor at @rmdaily
Seattle, Washington

3Gabrielle See
Covers sustainable finance. Ex-CNBC. Personal views.

4Devin Meenan
Beginner in filmmaking.
Southport, North Carolina

5Ciara Nugent
Financial Times
Southern Cone correspondent @FT.

6Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.

7Laura Spitalniak
Education Dive
Education reporter at Higher Ed Dive.
Washington, DC

8Jessica Frank-Keyes
City A.M.
Political reporter @CityAM.
London, England

9Maria Ward-Brennan
City A.M.
Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag.
Berkshire, England

10Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon