James Whitbrook Gizmodo Deputy Editor @io9, @Gizmodo. United Kingdom
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Wally Pyrah City A.M. HKJC - passion for sports, especially racing in HK. Views personal. United Kingdom/Hong Kong
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Bradley Brownell Jalopnik Staff writer.
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Kwan Wei Kevin Tan Business Insider Reporter @BusinessInsider.
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Maria Ward-Brennan City A.M. Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag. Berkshire, England
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Joseph Green Mashable Enthusiastic about cats.
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Matt Ford Mashable Covers law, democracy, courts. Nevada to District of Columbia
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John Yau Hyperallergic Art news and reviews. Brooklyn, New York
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Chris Kelly Mobile Marketer Words @washingtonpost etc. Washington, D.C.
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TechCrunch Events TechCrunch Technology news and analysis. San Francisco, CA
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