Journalists covering meta ai

TechCrunch, Nature, Popular Science, Mobile Marketer and others - 70 journalists.

Tags: Machine Learning & AIAI InnovationsIT AutomationResponsible AIGenerative AI
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Kyle Wiggers
Technology journalist. Senior Enterprise Reporter. Pronouns: he/him.
Queens, New York

2Davide Castelvecchi
Gravitational-wave astrophysicist.
New Haven, Connecticut

3David Nield
Popular Science
Freelance tech, science writer.
Marple, Manchester, UK

4Andrew Hutchinson
Mobile Marketer
Head of Content and Social Media @socialmedia2day. Award-winning author.
Canberra, Australia

5Alex Wilkins
New Scientist
Reporter New Scientist.
London, England

6Peter Adams
Mobile Marketer
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

7Paresh Dave
Journalist at WIRED.
San Francisco, CA

8Will Knight
Writes about AI.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

9Michael Nuñez
Editorial Director at VentureBeat.
San Francisco

10Christianna Silva
Senior reporter, digital culture.