Frank Vinluan MedCity News Medical innovation tracker. MedCity, USA
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Kennedy Ferruggia, Assistant Editor Pharmacy Times #pharmacy news, insights. CE provider. Cranbury, New Jersey
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John Pinching PharmaTimes Next-gen biopharma company. La Jolla, California
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Greg Laub MedPage Today Director of Video at MedPage Today. Screenwriter, previous managing editor.
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Kristen Monaco MedPage Today
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Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor Pharmacy Times One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL. Dublin City, Ireland
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Katherine Kahn MedPage Today Physician-Scientist. Studies Long Covid. United States
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Ed Silverman STAT News Pharmalot columnist. Senior writer at STATnews.
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Jason Mast STAT News Writing about science, medicine.
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Amy Baxter Pharma Voice Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician. Atlanta, Georgia
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