Matt Burgess Wired Security writer. London
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Dhruv Mehrotra Wired Investigations with computers @WIRED. New York
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Rebecca Bellan TechCrunch Journalist, explorer. Reports for TechCrunch. Based in NZ. Auckland, New Zealand
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Lawrence Hodge Jalopnik Car culture site.
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Andy Kalmowitz Jalopnik Writes about cars. Jersey Boy in New York City
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Amber DaSilva Jalopnik Finds news on Jalopnik. Brooklyn, New York
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Daphne Howland Retail Dive Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic. Portland, Maine
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Jalopnik Staff Jalopnik Car culture site.
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Erin Marquis Jalopnik Car culture site.
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Nico DeMattia The Drive Writer for The Drive.
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