Justin Carter Gizmodo Writes for io9 and Game Developer
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Shannon Connellan Mashable UK editor at Mashable.
Tomatometer-approved critic. London, UK
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David Lumb CNET Mobile Reporter @CNET. @cnetunion member. Los Angeles
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Jesse Lennox Digital Trends Cedar Rapids, IA
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Germain Lussier Gizmodo Senior Reporter. Los Angeles, California
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Megan Farokhmanesh Wired Senior writer @wired. Covers games. NYC
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Jason Adams Mashable Writes at My New Plaid Pants, Pajiba. Film Experience. Critics Choice member. New York City
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Mike Minotti VentureBeat Managing Editor at GamesBeat. Co-hosts podcasts. Youngstown, Ohio
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Alexander Lee Digiday writer with a heart of gold. New York, USA
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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