Journalists covering neural tissues

Science Alert, New Scientist, The Scientist, Ars Technica and others - 142 journalists.

Tags: algorithms, Brush-up Summaries, community , deep learning, machine learning, machine-learning algorithms, neural networks, neuroscienceairoboticscsaildaniela rus
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Carly Cassella
Science Alert
Writer at ScienceAlert.

2Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
New Scientist
Science writer. Physics PhD.

3David Nield
Science Alert
Freelance tech, science writer.
Marple, Manchester, UK

4<em>The Scientist</em> Staff
The Scientist
Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.

5Elizabeth Rayne
Ars Technica
Scribe @arstechnica @denofgeek @unclekrust.
the void

6Emily Cooke
Live Science
Health reporter.
London, United Kingdom

Curating @slashdot.
Portland, Oregon

8Rebecca Dyer
Science Alert
Science communicator. Outdoor enthusiast. Creative nerd. Comedian.

9Andrew Paul
Popular Science
Now on Bluesky
America's Heartland

10<em>The Scientist</em>’s Creative Services Team
The Scientist
Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.