Laura Spitalniak Education Dive Education reporter at Higher Ed Dive. Washington, DC
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Zachary McAuliffe CNET Writes about technology.
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Zachary Mcauliffe CNET Writes about technology.
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Alex Wilkins New Scientist Reporter New Scientist. London, England
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Scharon Harding Ars Technica Original tech news.
Expert advice.
Analysis of tech trends. NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF
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Jill Barshay The Hechinger Report Writes about education research. New York, United States
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Ben Unglesbee Education Dive Reporter at SupplyChainDive. Covers sourcing, procurement. Washington, DC
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Eric Volkman Motley Fool Investing guidance to make the world smarter, happier, richer.
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David Nield Science Alert Freelance tech, science writer. Marple, Manchester, UK
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Natalie Schwartz Education Dive Editor at Higher Ed Dive. Ellicott City, Maryland
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