Journalists covering ocean

Mashable, Live Science, Vox, InsideClimate News and others - 89 journalists.

Tags: Front PageClimateScienceocean temperaturesclimate change
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Mark Kaufman
Co-Founder LingQ. Ex-hockey player. Father.
West Vancouver, Canada

2Harry Baker
Live Science
Senior staff writer at LiveScience.
United Kingdom

3Benji Jones
Environmental reporter.
Brooklyn, New York

4Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon

5Davide Castelvecchi
Gravitational-wave astrophysicist.
New Haven, Connecticut

6Alex Wilkins
New Scientist
Reporter New Scientist.
London, England

7Elisha Sauers
Space reporter. Award winner.
Baltimore, Maryland

8Clare Watson
Science Alert
Science writer.
Wollongong, Dharawal country

9Leah Crane
New Scientist
Space and physics reporter.

10Emily Cooke
Live Science
Health reporter.
London, United Kingdom