Journalists covering pest

Live Science, Science Alert, New Scientist, Retail Dive and others - 89 journalists.

Tags: power generationwaste-to-energymarnie surfaceblowfictionengineering wix
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Emily Cooke
Live Science
Health reporter.
London, United Kingdom

2The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

3James Dinneen
New Scientist
Science news source.

4Daphne Howland
Retail Dive
Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic.
Portland, Maine

5Shelby Bradford, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC. Opinions my own.

6Michelle Starr
Science Alert
Senior Journalist at Science Alert.

7Beth Mole
Ars Technica
Senior Health Reporter @ArsTechnica.

8Rebecca Szkutak
Writes at TechCrunchPlus. Co-hosts @Found podcast.
Brooklyn, New York

9Alex Wilkins
New Scientist
Reporter New Scientist.
London, England

10Lucas Ropek
Writer, blogger @gizmodo. Covers tech.
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