Dean Takahashi VentureBeat Obsessed with technology. San Francisco + NYC
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Steve Dent Engadget Reporter @engadget. Cameras, drones expert. Paris, France
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Kris Holt Engadget Contributing reporter. Canada
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Jesse Lennox Digital Trends Cedar Rapids, IA
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Matt Kamen Wired Writes for Wired, Empire, Guardian. Remoanier-than-thou. Birmingham/London, United Kingdom
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Mat Smith Engadget Mat Smith follows you. Podcast host. London, England
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Demi Williams TechRadar Freelance writer. United Kingdom
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Kyle Barr Gizmodo Breaking News Reporter for Gizmodo. New York, USA
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Joseph Green Mashable Enthusiastic about cats.
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Jay Peters The Verge News Editor at The Verge.
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