Journalists covering republicans

Healthcare Dive, Vox, Business Insider, InsideClimate News and others - 50 journalists.

Tags: RepublicansBidenUS PoliticsAbortionPolicy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Rebecca Pifer
Healthcare Dive
Reporter @healthcaredive.
New York City, United States

2Li Zhou
Politics reporter at @voxdotcom. Previously tech policy @politico. Occasional bachelor nation correspondent.
Washington, DC

3Erin Snodgrass
Business Insider
News Reporter @businessinsider.
Los Angeles

4Kelsey Vlamis
Business Insider
News reporter @thisisinsider. Cooking, climbing.
Los Angeles, California

5Bryan Metzger
Business Insider
Senior politics reporter at Insider.
Washington, DC

6John L. Dorman
Business Insider
Senior Politics Reporter.
Brooklyn, New York

7Ellen Ioanes
Weekends and world coverage. contributor.
United States

8Juliana Kaplan
Business Insider
Senior labor, inequality reporter. Union supporter. Pronouns: she/they.
Boston, New York City

9Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon

10Andrew Prokop
Senior politics correspondent at Vox.
Washington, D.C.