Rachael Robertson MedPage Today Investigations & enterprise writer. Covers ob/gyn. @medpagetoday. NYC via PGH
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Justin Carter Gizmodo Writes for io9 and Game Developer
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Mark Stetson Mashable Video producer. Bob Ross Challenge. New York, New York
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Karen Berger, PharmD Pharmacy Times Neurocritical care PharmD. Pharmacy Advocate.
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Sam Adams Slate Slate's home for culture. New York, New York
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Gordon Jackson Gizmodo Dean. Glasgow, Scotland
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Dabitch Adland Home of commercial collection. Adland
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Rebecca Ruiz Mashable Senior reporter at Mashable. Mental health advocate. San Francisco Bay Area
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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Lakshmi Rivera Amin Hyperallergic Artist. New York City
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