Journalists covering running

New Scientist, City A.M., Mashable, MedPage Today and others - 92 journalists.

Tags: fitnesshealthexercisecraigslistgm
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1James Woodford
New Scientist
Ocean Correspondent.
South Coast, New South Wales

2Wally Pyrah
City A.M.
HKJC - passion for sports, especially racing in HK. Views personal.
United Kingdom/Hong Kong

3Joseph Green
Enthusiastic about cats.

4Matt Ford
Covers law, democracy, courts.
Nevada to District of Columbia

5MedPage Today Staff
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

6Adrienne So
Senior associate reviews editor.
Portland, Oregon

7Michelle Starr
Science Alert
Senior Journalist at Science Alert.

8Christianna Silva
Senior reporter, digital culture.

9Retail Dive Staff
Retail Dive
Provides business journalism. In-depth news, retail trends.
Washington, DC

10Jack Wallen
Writer, actor. Linux guru.