Journalists covering sigmund freud

Artforum, The Art Newspaper, Ars Technica, Science Alert and others - 82 journalists.

Tags: featuredfeminismlondonreviewssigmund freud
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

2Catherine Hickley
The Art Newspaper
Museums heritage editor. Writer. Author.
Berlin, Germany

3Jennifer Ouellette
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

4Michelle Starr
Science Alert
Senior Journalist at Science Alert.

5Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California

6Oshan Jarow
Focus on consciousness, economics. Co-founder LE Possibility.
Brooklyn, New York

Your mind needs chaos - 4 months ago
7Martin Bailey
The Art Newspaper
Art news source.
London, New York

8Judy George
MedPage Today
Medical reporter, writer.

9John Yau
Art news and reviews.
Brooklyn, New York

10David Clack
The Art Newspaper
Freelance videographer.
London, England