Brooke Masters Financial Times US Financial Editor, FT. New York, USA
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Craig Hale TechRadar Talk about tech, cars, scuba. Cardiff, Wales
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Jack Wallen ZDNet Writer, actor.
Linux guru. Louisville
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Frederic Lardinois TechCrunch Writes about tech. TechCrunch Editor. Portland, OR
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Scharon Harding Ars Technica Original tech news.
Expert advice.
Analysis of tech trends. NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF
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David Nield Popular Science Freelance tech, science writer. Marple, Manchester, UK
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Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai TechCrunch Historian of cyber era.
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Nathan Eddy InformationWeek Surrey, England
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Ed Bott ZDNet On sabbatical until mid-2023. Account inactive.
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Will Girling Automotive World Crypto investor and entrepreneur. United Kingdom
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