Journalists covering substack

Mashable, Business Insider, Juxtapoz Magazine, CNET and others - 59 journalists.

Tags: substacknewsletter writerssocial networking toolsrequested featureSpotify Premium
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Christianna Silva
Senior reporter, digital culture.

2Dan Whateley
Business Insider
Media reporter at Business Insider. Union member.

3Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California

4Oliver Haslam
Writes words. Recently CNET.
United Kingdom

5Linnea Ahlgren
Next Web
Senior Editor @thenextweb. šŸŒ±-eater.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

6Will Shanklin
Writer @engadget
Albuquerque, New Mexico

7Peter Adams
Retail Dive
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

8Marissa Plescia
MedCity News
Reporter at MedCity News.

9TechCrunch Events
Technology news and analysis.
San Francisco, CA

10Charlie Conchie
City A.M.
London's business newspaper.
London, England