Journalists covering tech writing

Ars Technica, Next Web, InformationWeek, New Scientist and others - 81 journalists.

Tags: Data ManagementData GovernanceIT StrategyIT LeadershipIT Management
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Scharon Harding
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

2Kirstie McDermott
Next Web
Not Kirstie Alley/Allsopp
Dublin, Ireland

3Nathan Eddy
Surrey, England

4Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
New Scientist
Science writer. Physics PhD.

5Mary E. Shacklett
CEO, Transworld Data.

6Reece Rogers
Staff Writer WIRED.
San Francisco, California

7Linnea Ahlgren
Next Web
Senior Editor @thenextweb. 🌱-eater.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

8David Gewirtz
CBS Interactive Lecturer. Columnist for ZDNet/CNET. ZATZ founder. Former UC Berkeley instructor.
Salem, Oregon

9Will Girling
Automotive World
Crypto investor and entrepreneur.
United Kingdom

10Dean Takahashi
Obsessed with technology.
San Francisco + NYC