Ben Unglesbee Education Dive Reporter at SupplyChainDive. Covers sourcing, procurement. Washington, DC
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Steve Hanley Clean Technica Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn. University of Pennsylvania
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Meghna Maharishi Skift Airline reporter at Skift. New York City
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Stewart Burnett Automotive World Voice of the remarketing & used car sectors.
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Rich Smith Motley Fool Financial writer. Middle America
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Andy Kalmowitz Jalopnik Writes about cars. Jersey Boy in New York City
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Derek Harrison InsideClimate News Art and production director. Portland, Oregon
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Associated Press Autoblog Advancing the power of facts. Global
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Carolyn Fortuna Clean Technica Journalist, founder. Educator, writer. Vegetarian. Florida
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Amanda Hoover Wired WIRED staff writer. New York, United States
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