Justin Carter Gizmodo Writes for io9 and Game Developer
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Sabina Graves Gizmodo Reports on TV/Film + Theme Parks. Los Angeles
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James Woodford New Scientist Ocean Correspondent. South Coast, New South Wales
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Emmett Smith Mashable Associate Producer at Mashable.
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Angela Watercutter Wired Senior Editor/Writer at WIRED. Pop Culture Nerd. Wannabe Wonk. New York, USA
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Shannon Connellan Mashable UK editor at Mashable.
Tomatometer-approved critic. London, UK
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Mack DeGeurin Popular Science Tech policy reporter. Hosts 'The Future is Ow' podcast. New York, New York
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Michelle Starr Science Alert Senior Journalist at Science Alert.
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Dani Vanderboegh Inman Senior Editor. St. Louis, Missouri
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Antonio G. Di Benedetto The Verge Writes @verge New Jersey, USA
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