Journalists covering vampires

Gizmodo, New Scientist, Mashable, Wired and others - 63 journalists.

Tags: Vampire SurvivorsCastlevaniainterview with the vampirelouisEntertainment
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Justin Carter
Writes for io9 and Game Developer

2Sabina Graves
Reports on TV/Film + Theme Parks.
Los Angeles

3James Woodford
New Scientist
Ocean Correspondent.
South Coast, New South Wales

4Emmett Smith
Associate Producer at Mashable.

5Angela Watercutter
Senior Editor/Writer at WIRED. Pop Culture Nerd. Wannabe Wonk.
New York, USA

6Shannon Connellan
UK editor at Mashable. Tomatometer-approved critic.
London, UK

7Mack DeGeurin
Popular Science
Tech policy reporter. Hosts 'The Future is Ow' podcast.
New York, New York

8Michelle Starr
Science Alert
Senior Journalist at Science Alert.

9Dani Vanderboegh
Senior Editor.
St. Louis, Missouri

10Antonio G. Di Benedetto
The Verge
Writes @verge
New Jersey, USA