Ryan Erik King Jalopnik Staff Writer Jalopnik. Co-host emeritus. New York, New York
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BeauHD Slashdot Curating @slashdot. Portland, Oregon
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Bradley Brownell Jalopnik Staff writer.
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Nico DeMattia The Drive Writer for The Drive.
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Collin Woodard Jalopnik Road test editor. Atlanta, Georgia
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Mack DeGeurin Popular Science Tech policy reporter. Hosts 'The Future is Ow' podcast. New York, New York
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Andy Greenberg Wired Writer, author. Book out now. New York
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Matt Carter Inman Covers mortgage lending. Tips welcome. Alameda, California
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Lawrence Hodge Jalopnik Car culture site.
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Dan DeFrancesco Business Insider Senior editor, Insider Today anchor. New York City
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