Journalists covering video technology

ZDNet, CNET, Digital Trends, Next Web and others - 86 journalists.

Tags: businesstech cultureplaintextbookscomputing
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1David Gewirtz
CBS Interactive Lecturer. Columnist for ZDNet/CNET. ZATZ founder. Former UC Berkeley instructor.
Salem, Oregon

2David Lumb
Mobile Reporter @CNET. @cnetunion member.
Los Angeles

3Trevor Mogg
Digital Trends
Brisbane, Australia

4Siôn Geschwindt
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

5Matt Bolton
Senior Editor, TechRadar. DMs open.
Bath, United Kingdom

6Stan Horaczek
Popular Science
Executive gear editor. Photographer.
The internet

7Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

8Nate Delesline III
Retail Dive
Reporter for RetailDive. Virginia resident.
Norfolk, Virginia

9The Conversation
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10Benj Edwards
Ars Technica
Reports on AI, ML. Explores AI's impact. Writes for Ars Technica.
Raleigh, North Carolina