Journalists covering winter 2025

Ars Technica, Pharma Voice, The Verge, Engadget and others - 108 journalists.

Tags: mdxacurahondabandacura zdx
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Jonathan M. Gitlin
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

2Amy Baxter
Pharma Voice
Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician.
Atlanta, Georgia

3David Pierce
The Verge
Tech columnist @LATimes. Author of The One Device. Editor: TERRAFORM.
Washington, DC

4Cheyenne MacDonald
Writer, editor. Tamagotchi fan. @inputmag alum. Threads @ hexxmachina.

5Devin Meenan
Beginner in filmmaking.
Southport, North Carolina

6Andy Kalmowitz
Writes about cars.
Jersey Boy in New York City

7Ben Unglesbee
Education Dive
Reporter at SupplyChainDive. Covers sourcing, procurement.
Washington, DC

8Tom Power
Senior entertainment reporter. Movies, TV, streaming focus.

9Adam Spatacco
Motley Fool
Community for top investors.

10Justin Carter
Writes for io9 and Game Developer