John Timmer Ars Technica Science Wrangler for Ars Technica. The big city
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Jack Wallen ZDNet Writer, actor.
Linux guru. Louisville
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Samuel Axon Ars Technica Editor @CondeNast @ArsTechnica. Game dev. Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California
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Taryn Plumb VentureBeat Author, Freelance Writer. Future is a mystery. Not specified
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<em>The Scientist</em> The Scientist Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.
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Carl Franzen VentureBeat Weekly writing jobs newsletter. Remote
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Kevin Purdy Ars Technica Writer at @arstechnica. Geek culture enthusiast. Washington, DC
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Emilia David VentureBeat AI reporter at The Verge. Has worked at multiple outlets. Manila, Philippines | New York
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Wayne Williams TechRadar Tech writer for BetaNews. England
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Scott Gilbertson Wired Magazine about future. Newsletters available. San Francisco, New York, London
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