Journalists covering MedTech innovation

MedTech Dive, PharmaTimes, Pharma Voice, MedCity News and others - 47 journalists.

Tags: innovationValue ResearchHealth Technology Assessmentpharma marketingAI
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.

2Susan Kelly
MedTech Dive
Leader, teacher, learner.
St. John's

3John Pinching
Next-gen biopharma company.
La Jolla, California

Years and years - about 1 year ago
4Meagan Parrish
Pharma Voice
Senior editor @industrydive. Pharma world follower.
Wisconsin, USA

5Elise Reuter
MedTech Dive
Reporter @MedTechDive. Covers medical devices.

3M spins out Solventum - 11 months ago
6Michael Gibney
Pharma Voice
Teacher of English. Teacher of politics.
Santiago, Chile

7Amy Baxter
Pharma Voice
Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician.
Atlanta, Georgia

8Ricky Zipp
MedTech Dive
Health Analyst, science master.
Brooklyn, New York

9Katie Adams
MedCity News
Exeter, New Hampshire

Tech news and analysis.
Seattle, Washington