Journalists covering aviation

Jalopnik, Motley Fool, Next Web, Mashable and others - 69 journalists.

ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Jalopnik Staff
Car culture site.

2Travis Hoium
Motley Fool
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3Siôn Geschwindt
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

4Ryan Erik King
Staff Writer Jalopnik. Co-host emeritus.
New York, New York

5Billy Duberstein
Motley Fool
Portfolio manager at Stone Oak Capital. Writes on technology, telecom.

6Teodosia Dobriyanova
Docu-maker, film programmer. Curates @New_East_Cinema.
London, Sofia

7Pete Syme
Business Insider
Junior Reporter @businessinsider. Covers tech.

8Taylor Rains
Business Insider
Aviation Reporter. Traveled 48 countries.
Connecticut, USA

9Gordon Smith
Writer/editor at Financial Times.
London, England

10Press Release
Clean Technica
Covers cleantech industry. Focus on EVs, renewables.