Journalists covering bread, citizen science, community , microbiology, microbiome, yeast

The Scientist, Ars Technica, Popular Science, New Scientist and others - 85 journalists.

Tags: sidedinnervegetariannut-freethanksgiving
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD
The Scientist
Editor in chief at The Scientist.

2Kevin Purdy
Ars Technica
Writer at @arstechnica. Geek culture enthusiast.
Washington, DC

3Danielle Gerhard, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC.
United Kingdom

4<em>The Scientist</em> Staff
The Scientist
Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.

5Mack DeGeurin
Popular Science
Tech policy reporter. Hosts 'The Future is Ow' podcast.
New York, New York

6Andrew Paul
Popular Science
Now on Bluesky
America's Heartland

7Hannah Thomasy, PhD
The Scientist
Freelance science writer. PhD.
Seattle & Toronto

8James Woodford
New Scientist
Ocean Correspondent.
South Coast, New South Wales

9Aparna Nathan, PhD
The Scientist
Single-cell genetics researcher. Teaches at Harvard. Writes for PopSci. Contributes to Drug Discovery News.
Boston, Massachusetts

Setting Standards for Stool - about 1 year ago
10Rebecca Dyer
Science Alert
Science communicator. Outdoor enthusiast. Creative nerd. Comedian.