Journalists covering defence

Financial Times, City A.M., The Art Newspaper, STAT News and others - 87 journalists.

Tags: TaiwandefenceDonald TrumpEuropean defence companieschallenges
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Patricia Nilsson
Financial Times
Writes for the FT. Host of Hot Money podcast.

2City AM reporter
City A.M.
London's business newspaper. News, Opinion, Analysis.
London, England

3Kabir Jhala
The Art Newspaper
Art market writer/editor.
London, England

4Maria Ward-Brennan
City A.M.
Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag.
Berkshire, England

5Bob Herman
Health care business reporter.

6Stephen Clark
Ars Technica
Senior Space Editor.
Houston, Texas

7Laura Italiano
Business Insider
Senior Correspondent @thisisinsider
Manhattan, NY, United States

8Ryan Quinn
Inside Higher Ed
Higher education news.
Washington, D.C.

9John Timmer
Ars Technica
Science Wrangler for Ars Technica.
The big city

10Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon