Journalists covering extreme weather

New Scientist, Vox, Live Science, Science Alert and others - 74 journalists.

Tags: hydrogen fuel cellAlejandro Agagracing serieshydrogen as a fuelrace car
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1James Dinneen
New Scientist
Science news source.

2Umair Irfan
Writes at

3Ben Turner
Live Science
Journalist. Staff writer LiveScience.

Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

5Steve Hanley
Clean Technica
Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn.
University of Pennsylvania

6Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon

7Sara Novak
Discover Magazine
Science journalist. Writer DiscoverMag.
Sullivan's Island, South Carolina

8Sascha Pare
Live Science
Staff writer at LiveScience.
Bath, UK

9James Woodford
New Scientist
Ocean Correspondent.
South Coast, New South Wales

10Benji Jones
Environmental reporter.
Brooklyn, New York