Journalists covering hospice

Healthcare Dive, MedPage Today, MedCity News, STAT News and others - 79 journalists.

Tags: Hospitalshospital-administrationFront PageHealth CarePolicy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Susanna Vogel
Healthcare Dive
Currently at Healthcare Dive. Seen in various outlets.

2Rachael Robertson
MedPage Today
Investigations & enterprise writer. Covers ob/gyn. @medpagetoday.

3Joyce Frieden
MedPage Today
Washington editor at MedPage Today. Board member at AHCJ.
Greater Washington, DC area

4MedPage Today Staff
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

5Rebecca Pifer
Healthcare Dive
Reporter @healthcaredive.
New York City, United States

6Associated Press
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

7Frank Vinluan
MedCity News
Medical innovation tracker.
MedCity, USA

8Jennifer Henderson
MedPage Today
Enterprise & Investigative Writer. Works with MedPage Today.

9Kristina Fiore
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

10Emily Olsen
Healthcare Dive
Reporter at Healthcare Dive. Loyola, Medill alum.
Chicago, Illinois