Journalists covering rebranding

Financial Times, Mobile Marketer, Pharma Voice, Inman and others - 48 journalists.

Tags: Brands in CultureATP, cell biology, mitochondria, Mitochondrial function, neuroscienceteslaeclipseboomer
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Kana Inagaki
Financial Times
Tokyo bureau chief @FinancialTimes.
Tokyo, Japan

2Peter Adams
Mobile Marketer
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

3Meagan Parrish
Pharma Voice
Senior editor @industrydive. Pharma world follower.
Wisconsin, USA

4Darryl Davis
Real estate news source.

5Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

6Kristina Monllos
Senior marketing editor at Digiday. Rhode Islander.
St. Louis

7Jon Robinson
City A.M.
UK Editor at City AM.

8Eliot Wilson
City A.M.
Writer, essayist, adviser. Co-founder of Pivot Point.
London, England

Home of commercial collection.

10Tatiana Walk-Morris
Retail Dive
Journalist. Amplifying unheard voices.
Chicago, Illinois / Detroit, Michigan