Journalists covering rugby

City A.M., Mashable, TechRadar, Slashdot and others - 18 journalists.

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ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Ollie Phillips
City A.M.
Ex-England 7's Captain. World 7s Player of the Year.
London, England

2Frank Dalleres
City A.M.
Sports Editor at City A.M.

3Joseph Green
Enthusiastic about cats.

4Matt Ford
Covers law, democracy, courts.
Nevada to District of Columbia

5Andy Silvester
City A.M.
Editor, @CityAM. @AFCWimbledon fan.
Always South London

6Charlotte Henry
Journalist covering tech, media. Author.

Curator at Slashdot.
Portland, Oregon

8Aoife Morgan
Retail Gazette
Senior journalist at Retail Gazette.
London, England

9Libby Brodie
City A.M.
Influential in drink. Wine columnist, consultant. Wine judge, presenter, writer.
United Kingdom

10Quentyn Kennemer
Business Insider
15yr journo vet. Writes tech, gaming. Bylines galore.
Dallas, Texas