anekola Digiday Digital media and marketing authority. New York
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Marty Swant Digiday Senior Reporter at Digiday. Brooklyn, NY
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Krystal Scanlon Digiday Journalist at Digiday. Tips welcome. Somewhere sunny
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Chris Kelly Mobile Marketer Words @washingtonpost etc. Washington, D.C.
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Peter Adams Mobile Marketer Senior reporter, Marketing Dive. New York
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Cara Salpini Mobile Marketer Senior Editor. Basketball fan. Washington, DC
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Jessica Deyo Mobile Marketer Editor at Marketing Dive. Columbus, Ohio
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Ronan Shields Digiday Digital media and marketing authority. New York
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Ivan Mehta TechCrunch Reporter @TechCrunch. Third corner of the world
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Nate Delesline III Retail Dive Reporter for RetailDive. Virginia resident. Norfolk, Virginia
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