Justin Carter Gizmodo Writes for io9 and Game Developer
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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Dan Girolamo Digital Trends Content guy @DigitalTrends and more.
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Christy Murdock Inman Real estate news source.
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Kenneth Niemeyer Business Insider Reporter @ Business Insider. Formerly @thedm_news.
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Gordon Jackson Gizmodo Dean. Glasgow, Scotland
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Germain Lussier Gizmodo Senior Reporter at Gizmodo. Pop culture art authority. Los Angeles, California. New Yorker at heart
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John Yau Hyperallergic Art news and reviews. Brooklyn, New York
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Allison Schiff AdExchanger Managing editor. Tweets rarely. New York City
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James Whitbrook Gizmodo Deputy Editor @io9, @Gizmodo. United Kingdom
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