Journalists covering iOS

Ars Technica, Tom's Hardware, Automotive World, The Verge and others - 70 journalists.

Tags: AppleiOSsecurity updatesSettings appApple Music
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Kevin Purdy
Ars Technica
Writer at @arstechnica. Geek culture enthusiast.
Washington, DC

2Matthew Connatser
Tom's Hardware
Writer at the Register.

3Samuel Axon
Ars Technica
Editor by day. Game dev.
Chicago, Los Angeles

4Will Girling
Automotive World
Crypto investor and entrepreneur.
United Kingdom

5Jay Peters
The Verge
News Editor at The Verge.

6Kimberly Gedeon
Tech editor at Mashable. Reviews tech gadgets. VR gamer.
Long Island, New York

7Morgan Meaker
Senior writer. Award-winning journalist.
London, England

8Valentina Palladino
Commerce writer @engadget.
New York, New York

9Reece Rogers
Staff Writer WIRED.
San Francisco, California

10Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.