Journalists covering pantry wars

Wired, Eater, Bon Appetit, Retail Dive and others - 82 journalists.

Tags: dinnermainweeknight mealseasyone-pot meals
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Scott Gilbertson
Magazine about future. Newsletters available.
San Francisco, New York, London

2Louryn Strampe
Product evangelist at WIRED. Price drop enthusiast.

3Amy McCarthy
Food journalism. Newsletter available.

4The Bon Appétit Staff & Contributors
Bon Appetit
Recipes. Restaurants. Food. Culture.

5Daphne Howland
Retail Dive
Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic.
Portland, Maine

6Eater Staff
Food journalism. Newsletter available.

7Stan Horaczek
Popular Science
Executive gear editor. Photographer.
The internet

8Kendra Vaculin
Bon Appetit
Food writer BonAppetit.
Brooklyn, New York

Okonomiyaki - 12 months ago
9Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

10Tiffany Hopkins
Bon Appetit
Reading. Meditating.
New York, New York