Journalists covering bfmktg

Mobile Marketer, Digiday, Retail Dive, Retail Gazette and others - 40 journalists.

ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

2Peter Adams
Mobile Marketer
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

3Jessica Deyo
Mobile Marketer
Editor at Marketing Dive.
Columbus, Ohio

4Kristina Monllos
Senior marketing editor at Digiday. Rhode Islander.
St. Louis

5Cara Salpini
Mobile Marketer
Senior Editor. Basketball fan.
Washington, DC

6Michael Bürgi
Veteran journalist. Sr editor @digiday.
New York/New Jersey

7Antoinette Siu
Journalist covering media @digiday.
San Francisco Bay Area

8Eloise Hill
Retail Gazette
Journalism Student. University of Portsmouth.
London, England

9Kimeko McCoy
Not actually funny. Marketing Award Winner. Senior Marketing Reporter. Co-host Digiday Podcast.
Atlanta, Georgia

10Hana Yoo
No happy ending.