Journalists covering kitchen

Bon Appetit, Wired, ZDNet, Conde Nast Traveler and others - 88 journalists.

Tags: shoppingtextabovecenterfullbleedbon_appetitFeatured StoriesKitchen Upgrade
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1The Bon Appétit Staff & Contributors
Bon Appetit
Recipes. Restaurants. Food. Culture.

The Bon Appétit 56 - about 1 year ago
2Joe Sevier
Bon Appetit
Food writer, editor at Epicurious and Bon Appétit.
Brooklyn, New York

3Louryn Strampe
Product evangelist at WIRED. Price drop enthusiast.

4Jesse Szewczyk
Bon Appetit
Food stylist. Writes for money.
New York, USA

5Scott Gilbertson
Magazine about future. Newsletters available.
San Francisco, New York, London

6Vala Afshar
Evangelist @Salesforce. Author, columnist.
Boston, Massachusetts

7Editors of Bon Appétit
Bon Appetit
Recipes. Restaurants. Food. Culture.

8Tiffany Hopkins
Bon Appetit
Reading. Meditating.
New York, New York

9Arati Menon
Conde Nast Traveler
Editorial lead, home at Food52.
Brooklyn, New York

10Paul Hagopian
Writes for Food52.
New York City